Central Coast Impressions

Arts and Images Revealing California's Central Coast

Sunset From Shell Beach

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Avila Sunset FramedI have an excuse for indulging in another Julie Dunn Tempera Batik post.  This Saturday, May 10th, is Day in the Shade Art & Wine Festival at City Park in Templeton.  Julie will be there with her art, along with many other local artists.  Drink a little wine, buy some art, drink a little wine, buy some more art . . .



California Quail

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California Quail FramedI have a 30 minute daily commute to work.  Occasionally, along the way I’ll need to slow down to allow a covey of quail to cross the road.   Experiences like that make it all worthwhile!  One of my favorite local artists is Julie Dunn who captures Central Coast imagery in her tempera batik paintings on paper.  The tempera batik process (in a nutshell) involves making a line drawing on colored paper with black permanent marker, painting between the lines with tempera paint, drying thoroughly then covering the entire work with India ink, drying again and then carefully rinsing off the desired amount of India ink.  This painting can also be found in the artist’s Central Coast Landscape II triptych which includes Valley Oak and Owl’s Clover & Tidy Tips.  The “abstract and representational” qualities of Julie’s work definitely add an alluring magic to her depictions of our area.

