Central Coast Impressions

Arts and Images Revealing California's Central Coast

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Butterfly Oak

ButterflyOak,Christopher BrownWinter season on the Central Coast is a great time to re-discover the personality of our rambling hillsides.  Butterfly Oak, by Solvang photographer Christopher L.T. Brown, is part of his recent series, “Oak Trees of Santa Ynez Valley”.  Chris explains, “To a scientist, or botanist an Oak is a tree or shrub in the genus Quercus having 600 extant species. As an artist, I find the beauty of the California oak to be compelling and complex.  Each tree is fully unique, representing the struggles, scars and life bestowed on the tree by nature. I often consider the parallels between the appearance of a twisted and scarred Oak tree and that of a weathered human counterpart. While all objects can be uniquely touched by nature, each Oak tree found in this book tells a story, much like that of the human face. The goal in my photographic representation of Oak trees found in this book is to present each tree in a setting that allows the viewer to see and hear the stories each tree has to tell, as Indeed they have many stories to tell.”  Experience more “Oak Trees if Santa Ynez Valley” at Mr. Brown’s gallery in Solvang